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Fred Gitelman svarer WBL

Fred Gitelman er mest kjent som grunnleggeren av BBO. Han svarer dette til WBL sitt innlegg på Bridgewinners i dag. Det er en uforbeholden hyllest til de personene som har lagt ned timer, dager og uker for å røyke ut jukserne. Dette er ramsalt kritikk til WBL sine manglende aksjoner og til deres defensive holdning.

Alternative Statement by WBF (by me personally - this is NOT to be confused by any official opinion or position of BBO):

Thanks to the Herculean efforts of several top players who care deeply about our game, it has unfortunately come to our attention that the results of EVERY major open championship that the WBF has run for at least the past 15 years have been tainted by the presence of cheaters.

We have awarded scores of undeserved medals and titles. The ranks of our leading players are now littered with cheats and their teammates.

We apologize to a generation of (mostly) honest top players who have dedicated their lives to the pursuit of excellence in bridge only to now learn that their dreams of glory could never really have come true. We allowed the deck to be stacked against you.

We apologize to the hundreds of thousands of serious bridge fans from around the world for helping to create your bridge heroes. We know now that many of these heroes are frauds.

We apologize to the millions of rank and file bridge players who have helped to finance our operation only to have us waste much of your money on (among other things) a ridiculous fantasy of getting bridge into the Olympics. In retrospect it would have been much wiser for us to invest in making sure that the World Championships were clean contests.

We apologize to the sponsors of teams and of our tournaments who have wasted a vast amount of money on WBF bridge. To make matters worse, in some cases your good names have been tarnished by association.

We are deeply ashamed of the fact that we have allowed international bridge to sink to its current state. We promise we will do much better in the future.

Thank you again to Boye Brogeland and all of those who followed his lead for a much needed wake up call. If we had been awake during the past couple of decades your efforts would not have been necessary.



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