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Boye er svært kritisk til EBL og NBF

I dag kom en uttalelse fra WBF om juksesaken. Jeg har skrevet noen ord om artikkelen under dette innlegget. I hovedsak er WBL sin artikkel kritisk til framgangsmåten aktørene har valgt.  På Bridgewinners legger mange inn svar på det som blir skrevet og Boye har uttalt seg om innledningen til saken. Boye mener at han prøvde å få med seg det europeiske bridgeforbudet (EBL) og Norsk Bridgeforbund (NBF) i en tidlig fase .

Boye er svært kritisk til Jan Kamras (leder av Executive Comitee i EBL) manglende interesse for å ta tak i saken på det tidspunkt Boye begynte å nøste. " I was surprised when he didn't seem interested in the case".  Boye er også like kritisk til vårt eget forbund sin respons og vår egen president, Jostein Sørvoll, får så hatten passer for sine handlinger (eller manglende sådanne i følge Boye): Det er veldig sterkt når Boye sier at " I think they should rather start sweeping in front of their own door " og "I don't see cheating as a major problem in Norwegian events, the federation have other issues which need to be handled., hva han nå konkret mener med de to uttalelsene. Avslutningsvis sier Boye at EBL etterhvert virker å ha sett alvoret i disse sakene, mens ACBL og spesielt WBL, er han skuffet over.

Jeg skal ikke mene veldig mye om det Boye skriver, men han røyker ikke akkurat fredspipe.

Hele innlegget til Boye (postet i dag) kan du lese under.

I just want to present some facts as I have been in touch with both the EBL and the NBF (Norwegian Bridge Federation) from the very start in this process.

I contacted Jan Kamras (Sweden) in the EBL regarding the Israeli case as I have known him for many years and thought he would be a good guy to speak to. I was surprised when he didn't seem interested in the case, let alone doing anything which could have effect before the World Championships in Chennai. He recommended me to do as he thouhgt everyone else should do in such a situation; go through the normal channels. When not even Jan was particularly interested, it seemed unlikely that other people at the EBL would take this seriously enough.

I then contacted the Norwegian Bridge Federation, and the response I got from the president was very concerning. I only asked him to make a few phone calls to the other Nordic NBOs in order to find a (potential) mutual approach regarding the evidence which would come out the next few days. I really hoped that they could cooperate to put pressure on the EBL. This was too difficult (or not at all interesting) for the NBF president, and the federation rather preferred to send me an E-mail stating they were 100 % behind me and also making a press release with a similar statement where they also offered their support (but not the only little support I asked for).

That the NBF suddenly is playing hardball with the EBL I find a bit amusing. I think they should rather start sweeping in front of their own door. Even if I don't see cheating as a major problem in Norwegian events, the federation have other issues which need to be handled.

As a matter of fact the EBL with Dutchman Eric Laurant as the front runner has been really cooperative and is keen on doing something with all the filth which has been going on in European bridge. To me the most promising news has come from the EBL over the last few weeks, not the ACBL and definetely not the WBF. My source in London says that the EBU is very much on the ball too. Let's hope that necessary changes are coming soon.


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